2023 Little Haiti Book Festival


By Jaury Georges Jean-Enard

On Sunday May 7, 2023 the Miami Book Fair and Sosyete Koukouy are curating an immersive cultural, artistic and literary environment for the South Florida community with the Little Haiti Book Festival (LHBF). Held at the Little Haiti Cultural Complex, festival goers will travel to the depths of Haiti, through every corner of the island without ever stepping foot on the island. Whether you’re into dance, music, storytelling, comedy or history you will find a book or activity about it at the festival.

“These art forms have served as a means of communication, expression, and cultural preservation, particularly during hardship and oppression. For example, during the colonial period and the era of slavery, dance and music allowed enslaved people to maintain a connection to their African roots while also creating a unique Haitian identity,” explains Michèle-Jessica “MJ” Fièvre.

However, Haiti isn’t all dance and music especially at the moment. Haiti is also facing its most unprecedented insecurity levels. As such, the Little Haiti Book Festival is also holding several panels that reflect the reality of Haiti in real time. This festival promises to take you to every, and any side of Haiti you wish to learn about.

“One of the primary objectives of the festival is to create a space where participants can engage in meaningful conversations about the challenges that Haiti and its people are currently experiencing,” affirms MJ Fièvre.

To reflect this growing and alarming insecurity, the Festival is hosting several panel discussions. One entitled “Chaos and Community: The Impact of New Immigration Laws on Haitian Refugees in the US and another called “Dealing with the plague of Insecurity,” on May 7th and May 28th respectively. A mix of speakers from Haiti and its diaspora, as well as friends of Haiti will present and engage festival goers on the current state of Haiti. Speakers include Reginald Delva, former Minister of Interior of Haiti; Marie-Lucie Bonhomme, journalist; Paul Novack, immigration lawyer and former Mayor of Surfside.

The Festival will also be headlining the work of Ruth Jean, an undocumented immigrant turned immigration lawyer. Jean’s book “Boat Girl: A Dreamer’s Experience” will be featured at the festival. Writer Henry Sylverain will also have his book “Kingdom Bones,” a fantasy novel in the world of magic and adventures will also be featured. And children’s book “Mindful Pokie” by Alexandra Jeanty will be available.

When asked what the festival is hoping to achieve with these plethora of events, the festival coordinator answered: “By celebrating Haitian culture, literature, and art, the festival seeks to empower individuals and groups to come together and share their unique stories and experiences. It aims to create a space where people can learn from one another and explore their shared history and heritage.”

Presented both in person and online, the Little Haiti Book Festival caters to all crowds including families and children. For the full list of events and activities, visit: https://www.miamibookfair.com/littlehaiti/

Jaury Georges Jean-Enard is a paralegal at the law firm, Cabinet Georges Jean-Enard in Haiti. He is a former Assistant Research Director at the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau. He is also a former content strategist for various Fortune 500 brands such as Pepsi, 7UP and Aquafina. Jean-Enard holds a Master of Science degree in Mass Communication with a concentration in Global Strategic Communication from Florida International University.

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