Reconnu coupable, Jean Ridore risque jusqu’à 40 ans de prison

NORTH MIAMI (LE FLORIDIEN) -- Jean Coty Ridore. Voilà donc un citoyen Haïtiano-Américain qui avait tout pour réussir dans son nouveau pays d’accueil. Ayant...

North Miami Beach – Corruption : un autre politicien salit l’image de la communauté

NORTH MIAMI BEACH (Le Floridien) -- Prenez un sac de riz de bonne qualité, placez-y quelques mauvaises graines pourries, et c’est l’ensemble du sac...

Miami-Dade District 2 Commissioner holds Town Hall Meeting at NM Library

NORTH MIAMI - A crowd of nearly 100 people gathered at the North Miami Library on Sept. 13 to hear Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jean Monestime,...

Dr. Larry Pierre Appointed As the interim Chair of the Democratic Haitian-American Caucus of Florida

Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith has appointed Dr. Larry Pierre as the interim chair of the Democratic Haitian-American Caucus of Florida (DHACF), which...

Profile in Deceit: Florida State Representative John Patrick Julien

When the doors to the cavernous Bank of America Stadium or Time Warner Cable Arena swung wide open to receive the buoyant throng of...




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