Miami-Dade District 2 Commissioner holds Town Hall Meeting at NM Library

NORTH MIAMI - A crowd of nearly 100 people gathered at the North Miami Library on Sept. 13 to hear Miami-Dade County Commissioner Jean Monestime,...

Dr. Larry Pierre Appointed As the interim Chair of the Democratic Haitian-American Caucus of Florida

Florida Democratic Party Chairman Rod Smith has appointed Dr. Larry Pierre as the interim chair of the Democratic Haitian-American Caucus of Florida (DHACF), which...

Profile in Deceit: Florida State Representative John Patrick Julien

When the doors to the cavernous Bank of America Stadium or Time Warner Cable Arena swung wide open to receive the buoyant throng of...

Still Hope for a Haitian-American to Reach U.S. Congress for the First-Time

While Dr. Rudolph "Rudy" Moise failed in his attempt to unseat political powerhouse, U.S Congresswo-man Frederica Wilson, for the Florida Dist. 24 Congressional Seat...

President Obama Meets with Haitian-American Student

MIAMI, Fl -- During a fundraising and campaign tour through Miami on Thursday, October 11, 2012, U.S. President Barak Obama met privately with a...




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