Examining the reasons why the Biden administration might choose not to significantly assist Prime Minister Ariel Henry in returning to Haiti.

By Dessalines Ferdinand Traditionally, the U.S. government prioritizes diplomacy, democracy, and human rights in its approach to international relations. Yet, Haiti's political instability, economic hardships,...

Florida Resident Sentenced in Arms Smuggling Case Linked to Haitian Gang’s Kidnapping of 19 Americans

(Le Floridien) - Jocelyn Dor, a 31-year-old Haitian national residing in Orlando, Florida, has been sentenced to a five-year prison term for his role...

Miami-Dade: Haitian Mother Pleads Not Guilty After Arrest for Twins’ Deaths

(LE FLORIDIEN) -- A South Florida mother facing allegations linked to the tragic deaths of her twin children, aged 3, who were discovered lifeless...

US plans to contribute $200 million to the multinational security support mission in Haiti.

(Le Floridien) -- On Thursday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced a $200 million contribution from the US to the multinational security support...

Police Officer on Haiti Mission Found Dead in DC Hotel

(Le Floridien) -- Authorities in Washington D.C. are investigating the death of Walter Nyamato Nyankieya, a Kenyan Police Commissioner, who was found dead in...