MIAMI GARDENS (Le Floridien) – It is indisputably true that Primary Medical Care Center and Urgent Care Clinic is one of the health facilities in South Florida where people can receive the best medical treatment. When it comes to the Haitian community, it’s a way of connecting and treating patients with respect and dignity that really has no competitors.

PMCCUCC stands up to its motto: “Our Primary Focus Is You”. Not only do the administrative and medical staff always make sure patients receive the best possible care whenever they need it, the clinic is well known in South Florida as the health facility that has never missed an opportunity during special occasions to give back to families in need since it launched in March of 2013.

“Primary Medical Care is a family affair” is not something Founder and CEO Prinston Jean-Glaude likes to just say; he shows it through his actions, especially the way he and staff members take pleasure to occasionally socialize with their patients. Showing love and gratitude to their patients has been always a tradition. As a true entrepreneur, the president believes giving back is one of the best ways to say ‘thank you’ to those members who choose his clinic among the many competitors throughout Miami-Dade and Broward counties.

The most recent proof was shown last month when America was celebrating Thanksgiving, which is a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor. Sticking to this special celebration tradition with patients, Primary Medical Care Center and Urgent Care Clinic administrative and medical staff once again joined forces on Friday, November 20, to bring joy to more than 700 people. The rousing celebration will likely linger in the memories of many who attended the event.

Primary staff members helped bring the spirit of the holiday to the participants. Not only did many patients show up to celebrate, they also brought with them family members and friends, many of whom didn’t have anywhere else to go.

The annual celebration was held for the second consecutive year at Bethel Evangelical Baptist Church in Miami Gardens, which is a great location since it is a very spacious and well accommodated facility for such an event. Starting at 7am, staff members and volunteers were already on the site arranging chairs and tables and other necessary sets to make sure the event went smoothly.

Around 11am, Mistress of Ceremonies Dr. Flore Lindor Latortue commanded the attention of the crowd to address the details of the event. In her introduction address, as she always does, she explained the reasons for the celebration and its importance. As she likes to mention, she reminded the attendees that Primary Medical Care Center and Urgent Care Clinic is a family with a mission to serve the community with distinct professional service and a smile. Dr. Latortue then called brother St. Paul Jean up to deliver the invocation and benediction.

The official host of the event returned to direct the program throughout the day. She introduced members of a Panel of Providers for a 30-minute Q & A session. Many members of the audience had a chance to ask insightful and interesting questions regarding “Managing Diabetes & Blood Pressure during the Holidays”, which was this year’s primary topic.

445PrimaryTeamThe entertainment kicked off with gospel singer and guitarist “Femme à la Guitare” who graced the audience with a fifteen minute performance, singing a set of two songs that was well-received by the crowd. Well-known for her easy-connection with the audience, the young lady took some time to chat with the elderly attendees.

While guests were enjoying a good meal, local DJ Mario Apollon was at his best spinning some good music. This year, local comedian Jean Corvens Rosier, better known as Tonton Dezirab, was hired to tell jokes in a way that put the attendees in a more relaxed atmosphere. Unfortunately, Tonton Dezirab failed to deliver. A comedian needs to have a good sense of humor and the ability to make others laugh. It was clear that Tonton Dezirab did not take time to prepare his sketch and he doesn’t master improvisation well. His performance that day was mediocre, at best. If it was in front of a younger crowd, chances are he would have been booed off the stage.

Besides the mission of helping improve the quality of care for the Haitian community, PMCC founder and staff members believe they all have a responsibility to give back, knowing that giving back creates a virtuous cycle and makes everyone more successful and happier.

“Primary’s annual turkey giveaway and Thanksgiving celebration bring hope and holiday cheer to the Haitian community,” said Princeton Jean-Glaude, founder and CEO of the clinic. “Even during difficulties and hardship times, we always find a way to give to others.”

“The spirit of giving lives on at Primary and we hope to alleviate uncertainty for those in need this holiday season. Primary’s commitment to the community is a testament to the spirit of Thanksgiving,” Mr. Jean-Glaude added. “Year after year, Primary helps meet the needs of struggling families during the Thanksgiving holiday.”

“This event is a blessing for the patients,” said Gregory Lesaint, who attended the event with his 82 year-old aunt, Marie-Lourdes. “This is my first attending a Primary’s event. I have the impression everyone knows everyone here. It is a good thing to see so many people gather here as a family and the clinic staff members get together to help out people in need.”

“Luckily, I was off today at work, so I took pleasure to assist three elderlies, my godmother and two of her longtime friends,” said a woman in her 40s who asked to stay anonymous. “My godmother is a patient at the Lauderdale Lakes clinic in Broward County. Even though we live in Tamarac, a little far from Miami Gardens, I did not mind to come to this gathering here. It is great to see how the event is well organized.”

At the end of the event, each participant received a free turkey. After thanking all the volunteers who were very helpful in organizing the event for their benefit, CEO Prinston Jean-Glaude, his wife Edwige Jean-Glaude (PMCC Vice-President), and MC Dr. Flore Lindor Latortue posed together for a picture with the volunteer team group.

For the past five years Primary Medical Care Center & Urgent Care Clinic, one of the leading medical centers in the South Florida region offering state-of-the-art technology and genuine patient-centered care for non-life-threatening medical problems, has generously given away hundreds of frozen turkeys to those in our local community. This Friday gathering before Thanksgiving is turning out to be a great day for those who attended the annual event.

The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends, to remember the blessings we each have. For some, the struggle doesn’t take a holiday and these tokens of gifts, meals, and entertainment matter in ways most of us never truly see.

Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Glaude are exemplary leaders who understand the impact small acts of kindness and generosity mean to the people who receive them. It’s a wonderful way to be truly thankful, for it truly is much better to give than to receive. The holiday season has been made better for hundreds of people each year, thanks to the warmth, generosity, and hospitality of these faithful community leaders and all the volunteers who make these events possible. Thank you.

Dessalines Ferdinand

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