By Jaury Georges Jean-Enard

For many Haitian Americans, a visit or two to the land of high mountains (Ayiti) is all it takes to create a never-ending bond with the country. Something magnetic, something magical, even something mystical about the country is known to draw Haitians and foreigners alike to the land.

Chrissybil Boulin was born in the US, but a few summer vacations in Haiti is all it took for to create a tying and loving bond with the country.

“Memories of Haiti was always fun,” recalls Boulin, 29. “It was always horse riding, coconut, and the beach,” she added.

The adventures she had in Haiti blinded her to the poverty that exists all around the country, until she was about five years old. After going to the beach, she noticed a group of children running after her father’s car. The children were running to ask for money or anything the driver would give. This is when her perception of Haiti and the world would change. Why aren’t these children at home with parents she pondered?
Boulin, Chrissybil (1)

At a young age, she developed a desire to understand how economics work and why some people were poor while others were better off. This led her to major in Political Science and simultaneously in Gender Studies. She would later earn a Bachelor’s Degree in both fields in 2015 from Emory University. During that same year, she was also selected as an Intel Ambassador for Change student to India. These student ambassadors were sent overseas to better understand the educational challenges that keeps students – especially young girls – from staying and completing school.

Her time in India stirred and solidified her interest in economics. She would later go on to study development economics a year later.

While most students take time off from school after graduating or travel, Boulin decided to move to Haiti after receiving her Bachelor’s Degree. While in Haiti, she started a nonprofit called Merkabah International Foundation, a name derived from her yoga practices. Merkabah operated in the Fermathe area, working with approximately seven schools to improve literacy, mindfulness and STEM activities. She would spend the next eight months working in Haiti with school directors and orphanage directors on how to better the lives and future of Haitian children.

As time and circumstances would have it, Boulin was quickly faced with the usual challenges of corruption and lack of infrastructure to provide electricity and basic needs to the community. She would later return to the states. Armed with life changing and eye-opening experiences both in India and in Haiti, Boulin would now turn her attention to Development Economics. In a desire to better understand the cycle of economics and how it impacted social classes, Boulin would pursue a Master’s Degree at the University of Cambridge in the UK. She earned the degree one year later in 2017. Immediately after her Mater’s Degree, she was offered a job at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). She turned it down because in her opinion, these organization didn’t do enough to solve the problem; rather they fed the problem.

“Bridging the gap between classroom learning and life after graduation,” is where her passion lies.

In 2018, Boulin founded Jump Start Tutoring Center. She customizes a personal and academic approach to tutor students. She prepares them for SAT college exam, secures internships and more. Her tutoring program takes into consideration personal family matters such as divorce that may negatively affect a student’s performance while creating a tailor-made academic plan for each student. Jump Start Tutoring Center has been recognized by Facebook Small Business, United Way of Broward County and VISA to name a few, all of which have awarded grants to her organization.

Despite all the instability in Haiti, Boulin has recalibrated her radar on Haiti. Once her organization reaches $500,000 in profit, she intends on donating 10% of the proceeds to Merkabah International and reinitiate her work in Haiti. You can learn more about Jump Start Tutoring Center by visiting their website:

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