CAVAILLON, Haiti – The Association of Exchange and Development of Activities and Partnership (AEDAP) along with Haitian American Nurses Association (HANA), Haitian American Emergency Relief Committee (HAERC), Hallandale CID UNESCO, and Revive Your Soul Ministry held a trip to Haiti during three days, August 28-30, providing psycho and social support to earthquake victims in various regions of the South after devastating August 14 earthquake.

The 7.2 earthquake left more than 137,000 homes and some 2,248 deaths according to International Medical Corps. While government focused on immediate relief, AEDAP focused the psychological and social support that individuals need. Initially started in 1982 as Association et Encadrement de l’Arrière Pays by Jean T.H. Lindor provided first hygiene kits and emotional support to earthquake victims in the Cavaillon area.

The team of roughly six members landed in Port-au-Prince on August 28 and immediately drove through the south to meet with current and former mayors, CASECs and ASECs to help locate and coordinate support.

“We went through Aquin, Saint Louis du Sud to get to Cavaillon,” said Dr. Flore Lindor-Latortue of AEDAP. Reached via phone, Dr Lindor-Latortue expressed her sympathies and dedication to contribute in helping the people of the South get back on their feet.

During the trip they provided various first hygiene kits and small cash donations ranging from twenty dollars to fifty dollars to individuals and family. AEDAP is self-funded by its board members and friends, yet their impact in the area is immeasurable. Through their partner program Women Rural Project in South Cavaillon, they have been present and active in the South for 15 years.

After assessing damages and needs in the area, AEDAP has launched a fundraiser to rebuild two schools, provide school supplies and additional hygiene kits to earthquake victims. The fundraiser goal is to raise $30,000 by October in time for back to school which has been delayed due to the earthquake.

‘The medical needs to be immediate did not occur in many sectors as the climate of insecurity continues to limit access to physicians. Victims have to go back to natural remedies and count on each other and those who were able to make it to them through word of mouth and always the good samaritan spirit in the motherland/ The comprehensive report of the trip will take at AEDAP leadership retreat this coming Saturday September 18th 2021,” said Dr. Lindor.

To learn more about the work of AEDAP in the South of Haiti, visit:

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