By Dessalines Ferdinand

NORTH MIAMI) — The newly elected councilwoman Kassandra Timothe and re-elected mayor Philippe Bien-Aime and Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin, District 3 for the City of North Miami were sworn in during a special meeting on Tuesday, June 8, at the Moca Plaza.

The June 8 special council meeting was significant for the Haitian Community. It marked another political milestone, like the election of Ossmann Desir, the first Haitian-American elected to North Miami’s City Council, in 1999, and Josaphat ‘Joe’ Celestin as the first Haitian-American mayor in 2001 of the sixth largest city in Miami-Dade County. With the induction of councilwoman Timothe, the city of North Miami is now governed for the first time by a larger Haitian-American majority (4 out of 5 council members).
presentation colors

Both incumbents Mayor Philippe Bien-Aimé and District 3 Councilwoman Mary Estime-Irvin were given another term during the first round during the May 11 elections. Even though finishing on top among a total of seven candidates for the District 2 race, the former North Miami Public Information Officer and first-time candidate Kassandra Timothe had to go to a run-off (June 1st) with former mayor Kevin Burns.

To start the City of North Miami induction 2021, the City Clerk Vanessa Joseph, Esq. took a roll call of council members present before Mayor Bien-Aimé reminded the attendees of the importance of this special council meeting with three members of the new body government being sworn in.

Police Chief Larry Juriga was called by Ms. Susset Cabrera, one of the MCs of the event, to lead the Pledge of Allegiance just after the presentation of colors by a peloton of five police officers of the North Miami Police Department. The highest ranking officer of the police force was followed by Ms. Linda ‘Porsha’ Estimé, who sang the American national anthem.
Reverend Father Reginald Jean-Marie of Notre-Dame d’Haiti Catholic Church and the leader of North Miami Police Chaplains, Pastor William Vasquez, lead the invocation of the night. The other MC, Kathya Philippeaux, took some time to acknowledge the presence of visiting elected officials and dignitaries in attendance. Among them were Honorable US Congresswoman Frederica Wilson (FL-District 24), Felicia Simone Robinson (Florida State Representative District-102), Christopher Benjamin (Florida State Representative District-107), Dotie Joseph (Florida State Representative District-108), Dr. James Bush III (Florida State Representative District-109), Daniella Levine Cava (Miami-Dade County Mayor), Jean Monestime (Miami-Dade Commissioner-District 2), and several others.
As a new member of the council body, a graduate with a master’s degree in public administration at Florida International University (FIU), with a decade of government experience, Councilwoman-Elect Kasandra Timothe was the first member to sworn in. Surrounded by many family members, including her mother Josiane, her oath of office was administered by Pastor Joanne Smith of New Direction Church of God. Just after posing for pictures with family members on stage, City Clerk Vanessa Joseph handed her the certificate of her election, making her officially the new councilperson representing District 2.

“On Tuesday, June 1st,” said the new elected council member, “we made history by electing the first black, the first woman of Haitian descent, and the youngest person elected to serve North Miami-District 2. To all of the District 2 residents who voted for me, I simply want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for entrusting me to serve District 2 as your councilwoman. I am a voice to serve each and every one of you with honor, respect, humility, and I ask the same in return. Thank you North Miami, I am ready to serve. Let’s get to work!”
The Honorable Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson, representing Florida’s 24th Congressional District, administered the oath of office to re-elected District 3 Councilwoman Mary Estimé-Irvin as her mother and father held the bible. Other family members also stood by her side while being sworn in.

“To the residents of District 3, thank you,” said Councilwoman Irvin. “Thank you! Thank you! For entrusting me again to be your voice and your leader as to continue to move North Miami forward.”

Mrs. Irvin also took the opportunity to address the audience in Creole and Spanish. She recognized many members of her campaign staff, including Chairman Jean Patrick Maignan and Manager Mackenson Joseph for their great contributions to her reelection.
The oath of office for re-elected Mayor Philippe Bien-Aimé was administered by Judge Lody Jean, the first Haitian-American woman to serve on the Miami-Dade County Court. His wife held the bible in the presence of his two sons and one daughter.

Congratulations to all!

Photo credit: Ricardo Saint-Cyr

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