by Dr. Angelo Gousse

When medications (pills ) such as Cilais, Viagra, Levitra etc no longer work, it might be time to try penile injections. If you are unable to tolerate penile injections or they do not work you might want to consider a penile external vacuum erection device (VED) . When all these 3 choices fail, the only remaining solution is the penile implant. Of note, there are 3 major types of penile implants. There is a once piece malleable ( easy to insert, less complications , no pump to inflate, difficult to conceal, not good rigidity and poor penile girth. There is a two piece ( Inflatable ) . The features include inflatable, easier to insert than the 3 piece. The devices have ,poor penile girth, less natural appearance than the 3 pieve penile prosthetic implant. Thus, the 3 piece penile implant is the most natural prosthetic device than can restore erection.

How Does the Penile Prosthesis Work?

The inflatable penile prosthesis consists of two attached cylinders — a reservoir and a pump — which are placed surgically in the body. The two cylinders are inserted in the penis and connected by tubing to a separate reservoir of saline. The reservoir is implanted under the rectus muscles in the lower abdomen. A pump is also connected to the system and sits under the loose skin of the scrotal sac, between the testicles.

This penile prosthesis is referred to as a 3-piece inflatable penile prosthesis, due to the three different components. To inflate the prosthesis, the man presses on the pump. The pump transfers saline from the reservoir to the cylinders in the penis, inflating them and causing an erection. Pressing on a deflation valve at the base of the pump returns the fluid to the reservoir, deflating the penis and returning it to the normal flaccid state.

A penile implant is usually used when there is a clear medical cause for ED and when the problem is unlikely to resolve or improve naturally or with other medical treatments. Sometimes a penile prosthesis is implanted during surgery to reconstruct the penis when scarring has caused erections to curve (Peyronie’s disease).

Penile implant surgeries take about an hour and are typically done in an outpatient center. A man can resume sexual intercourse by 6-8 weeks after surgery.
Is the Prosthesis Noticeable?

While men who have had the prosthesis surgery can see the small surgical scar where the bottom of the penis meets the scrotal sac, or in the lower abdomen just above the penis, other people probably will be unable to tell that a man has an inflatable penile prosthesis. Most men would not be embarrassed in a locker room or public restroom, for example.

What Is Sex Like With the Prosthesis?

When the penis is inflated, the prosthesis makes the penis stiff and thick, similar to a natural erection. Most men rate the erection as shorter than their normal erection; however, newer models have cylinders that may increase the length, thickness, and stiffness of the penis.

A penile prosthesis does not change sensation on the skin of the penis or a man’s ability to reach orgasm. Ejaculation is not affected. Once a penile prosthesis is put in, however, it may destroy the natural erection reflex. Men usually cannot get an erection without inflating the implant. If the implant is removed, the man may never again have natural erections.

How Effective Are the Implants?

About 90%-95% of inflatable prosthesis implants produce erections suitable for intercourse. Satisfaction rates with the prosthesis are very high, and typically 80%-90% of men are satisfied with the results and say they would choose the surgery again.

Is the Implant Safe?

No surgery is totally free of possible complications.

Complications associated with penile implants include:

• Uncontrolled bleeding after the surgery pos sibly leading to re-operation
• Infection
• Scar tissue formation
• Erosion (tissue around the implant may break down) requiring removal
• Mechanical failure leading to re-operation and removal

How Much Does it Cost ?
Cash Price: Device Included $ 18,500.00
Covered by many Insurance companies

Angelo E. Gousse, MD
Clinical Professor of Urology –
Herbert Wertheim College
of Medicine – FIU
Voluntary Professor of Urology – University of Miami , Miller School of Medicine
Director of Fellowship:Female Urology,Voiding Dysfunction, Reconstruction
Memorial Hospital Miramar,
South Broward Hospital District
1951 SW 172 Avenue, Suite 305,
Miramar, FL, 33029
Tel: 954-362-2720
| Fax: 954-362-2761


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